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Over 16 000 Plans.
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Safety Warning
I try my best to demonstrate the best safety practices in my designs, plans, and videos. However, as with video production, sometimes it is necessary to use alternate methods so that the viewer may see the details of what is being worked on. This includes the removal of blade guards or other safety devices. It is assumed that the builder has some skills in woodworking and other workshop techniques. It is also assumed that the builder is already familiar with the safe operation of their equipment.
The Woodglut cannot be held liable for injuries that you may incur by following our projects. If you have any doubt about your abilities, please seek professional guidance from a professional trained in that area of expertise before attempting any project.
It is highly recommended that you read and understand all of the manuals for your tools and equipment, and that you do not remove any safety guards or bypass any safety features.This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information.
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Available in the U.S. worldwide. Terms apply.
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*Up to $2200 savings calculated by annualizing mean reported monthly spending on woodworking plans. Based on study by The
Leichtman Research Group, published October 31, 2021.